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Where are you?

-Where are you? …I shouted out that morning shaking from pain and dispaired while my sorrow was going up to the skies as if it were a yell.
-Where are you? .. I shouted out again in a louder voice breaking the barriers of my cry.I cannot stand this silence!-Where is my Lord? ...I am looking for you!
-Here I am! ... you shouted in my consciousness. And a beggar with worn-out and torn clothing came and visited me in my memories, with silence as a burden. On his hand there was sadness, his eyes were  tired since he had walked the streets of life for a long time. How many times I have walked passed by you and I did not even aknowledge you!

-Here I am!... you repeated in a strong and clear voice. I remembered abandoning a trembling boy on the bench of a park. Although he was a boy, I saw an old man’s look in his eyes. A man who was tired of having seen everything, in spite of having lived few years.
-Here I am! ....and I remembered, all of a sudden, a drunkard’s walk who was carrying shame and weariness on his back
-Here I am! … and it came to my memory the lost eyes of the boy who looked for the emotions he had not still found in the world of drugs.

-Here I am! …you said and I closed my eyes, remembering the tired eyes of that prostitute who sold her body at nights.

-Here I am! .... you added. And I remembered the hungry man rummaging in the bins of the market, looking for leftovers to ease his hunger.

-Here I am! ... you shouted. And the bed of the sick came to my memory, the cry of the  dispossessed.

The children’s shame without a father. The clamour of the comdemned who were torn from the womb.

-Where am I? you have come to ask me- Here I am! ... in your neighbours’ pain.
Stop  reviving the artistic pictures of my calvary.

Every day, I carry the heavy cross of the disinherited with pain, I keep on suffering in those who suffer and their blood I keep on bleeding.

-Take my image from the cross you carry, I am tired of the images without life.

- I am tired of men whose art has shown me to the world.

- I freely accepted my plan and I  died in love on the cross.

-But I have arise on the third day among my people and I keep walking.!

-I am not a piece of wood, not a coloured plaster statue.

- I live in the pain and suffering of those underprivileged!

-I walk the paths of life, I revive my calvary every day!

-Thousand of times I am tortured and I am killed in the daily suffering of your brothers!

- I am also here, inside the church, where this morning you have tried to locate me, but it is time you learn to find me in those who live their miseries nearby ...

-When you have found me in each of them and when looking at them you have loved, you can come here. Be sure that I will always be waiting at the door.

-Lord, first grant me the strength to do what you ask me to ... and then, you can ask me whatever you want.

 “There is nothing more relieving and peaceful than knowing we are exactly in the place where God wants us to be right now”



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